A Meeting Well-Seasoned

As the Gen Zers say, "They ate and left no crumbs."

Dear Fellow Toastmaster

Last Wednesday’s Toastmasters meeting revolved around a reflective and inspiring theme: Seasons, mirroring cycles of growth. Our first-time Toastmaster, Ash, led the evening with poise and warmth, exploring how each season represents a phase in our personal and professional journeys:

  • Spring: Joining, representing fresh beginnings. 🌸

  • Summer: Taking the first step and embracing action. 🌳

  • Autumn: Reflecting on progress and lessons learned. 🍁

  • Winter: A time to reset and prepare for the next cycle of growth. ❄️

We also welcomed three new members to the club: Lilian, Peter, and Lexi! 🤩

Congrats to Aditya for completing his Ice Breaker and for winning Best Speaker!

Thank you to our Mavericks, Alex and Helen, for their prepared speeches!

🙋‍♀️ Sign up for roles at our next meeting on Jan 29 🙋‍♀️

🙋 Please reflect your meeting RSVP 🙋‍♀️

Update the agenda with your meeting RSVP!

🥳🥇 Awards and Celebrations

Don’t be shy, share your life wins and let’s celebrate together!

  • Congratulations to Aditya for giving his Ice Breaker speech and winning Best Speaker on top of it! 🏆

  • Kudos to our Mavericks, Helen and Alex W., for stepping up to the plate and delivering two impromptu prepared speeches to help our meeting run smoothly!

 📣 📆 What’s up

Never want to miss out on GGTM social events, workshops and meetings? Click the button to subscribe to our club’s Google Calendar.

🛎️👀 In Case You Missed It

  • 🏃 If you are interested in joining a running club, look no further! Our very own VP of Membership, Adam Cesana, is welcoming us to his running club for any that are looking to join. They meet at Washington Square Park every Saturday at 9:30 am. Check out their Instagram page here if you are interested!

  • 🗣️ GGTM will be holding our International and Humorous Speech Contests on Feb 5th, in place of our regular meeting. Please join us in supporting our members as they compete for a spot in the Area contest! For more information on the contest format, read the official rulebook here.

    • If you would like to compete in the International Speech Contest:

    • If you are interested in participating in the Humorous Speech Contest:

    • If you aren’t interested in competing but would like to support the contest in another way, we also need volunteers for some functionary roles.

    • Finally, if you just want to enjoy the show, you’re welcome to spectate too! Come hype up your fellow members as they compete for glory. 🤩

 📚️🏫 Toastmastering Together

Let’s get better by learning from each other and sharing resources. Bookmark these for your reference as you go through your GGTM journey!

January 22nd Club Meeting Highlights!

🌟 Two-Minute Special:

Jay shared a heartfelt reflection about friendships that have come and gone, likening their impermanence to the seasons. He recounted lessons from three close friends:

  • Jorge: Hard work and perseverance.

  • Yichuan: The importance of fun but the dangers of impulsivity.

  • Charles: Forging your own identity and embracing change.

Rather than mourning lost connections, Jay encouraged us to cherish the memories and lessons they leave behind.

🎤 Prepared Speeches:

  1. Aditya’s Icebreaker: Aditya shared his evolving relationship with cooking, starting from traditional Rajasthani meals in India to discovering his passion for experimenting in the kitchen. From his first attempt at making chicken salad (after learning “thawing” didn’t mean shaking) to tracking macros and trying new recipes, Aditya’s journey was relatable and inspiring. (🏆 Best Speaker 🏆)

  2. Helen’s "The Triathlon": A tale of courage and perseverance. Despite facing hangovers, open-water panic, and detour mishaps during her first Olympic triathlon, Helen never gave up. Her story reminded us that “success is not final, failure is not fatal; it’s the courage to continue that counts.” (Special Maverick Award 🏅)

  3. Alex’s "Three Things My Mom Never Told Me": Alex gave an engaging and educational speech covering flossing, sunscreen, and challenging preconceived notions, all delivered with humor and practicality. (Special Maverick Award 🏅)

👣 Table Topics Highlights:

Our season-themed impromptu speeches elicited creativity and personal insights:

  • Adam (🏆 Best Table Topic 🏆): Shared his love for salt, the seasoning that elevates every dish. He reminded us that, like seasons, we grow through savoring life’s small moments.

  • Lilian: Talked about her first stay-at-home holiday in SF, marking a new season in life with cherished memories.

  • Peter: Playfully described his love for sushi, equating it to falling in love.

💯 Evaluations:

Our evaluators provided thoughtful feedback, helping speakers hone their skills:

  • Mike (🏆 Best Evaluator 🏆): Commended Alex for his strong structure and storytelling while suggesting more vocal variety for emphasis.

  • Lilian: Praised Aditya’s humor and engaging tone and encouraged deeper exploration of his conclusion.

🤔 Quiz Time:

What was the first thing Aditya ever cooked, and what mistake did he make?
Chicken salad; he didn't defrost it. (Highlight to reveal)

What wholesome activity did Lilian do with friends instead of going out on New Year’s Eve?
Watch a movie. (Highlight to reveal)

When Derek worked at a deli, what were the two ingredients to their specialty secret goo?
Mayo and mustard. (Highlight to reveal)

Here’s to embracing every season of growth—see you at our next meeting! 🌱

Michael after his brilliant evaluation 🙌🏻

Adam wins Best Table Topic! 🥳

🤗👍 Hear It From Our Guests:

Loved the creativity and supportive vibes!

Best Toastmasters (club) in the Bay Area—period.

I learned so much and feel excited to come back!

😎💡Member Spotlight

Send your member profile to [email protected] so we can feature you next. Share your adventures that we can highlight as well!

Introducing the editor of this week’s edition, me (Albert)!

Fish and chips in London

Why you joined TM:
I first joined Toastmasters during my gap year after high school. There, I found a passion for speaking and a super friendly community to be a part of!

Fun fact:

I have a 2,950-day Duolingo streak. Closing in on the big 3k later this year. 😬

Upcoming speech topic:

To be decided—but hopefully something interesting. 🤔

🫵🗣️ Your turn

We would like to hear YOUR stories, information and feedback to make this newsletter, our club and our Toastmastering better. Share it with us!

Need more info? Check out:

Golden Gate Toastmaster Resources (bit.ly/GGTM-resources)
Toastmaster Meeting Roles One-Pager (bit.ly/GGTM-roles)
Onboarding Checklist (bit.ly/GGTM-onboarding)