GGTM Dispatch vol. 7|| April 17th report

GGTM Dispatch vol. 7|| April 17th report

Greetings Fellow Toastmasters & Friends! 

Big news! We're trying out a new venue, for a pilot period of 6 weeks, thanks to Mike Z. This past Wednesday we had our inaugural meeting in the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Board Room. This space is much bigger than ELI and fits up to 50 people. As the club continues to grow (more on that shortly) we're excited to have this venue and be able to return to a weekly (yes, that's right!), meeting cadence.With our weekly cadence it means that members have twice as many opportunities to speak. Agendas are published, so sign up for roles and speeches for the coming weeks!

Officer Announcements

  • From Helen Fream, Club Secretary: Reminder that I'm looking for some volunteers to be featured in a 'Member Spotlight' for our Newsletter. If you'd be prepared to answer 3-4 questions about yourself/Toastmasters journey please email me: [email protected]  or let me know in the next meeting!

  • From Scott Brown, Club President: The Toastmasters International Conference and Contests is on Saturday, May 4th. This is a hybrid event from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Read more info and register here.

Meeting Notes

This week's meeting had a seasonal feel as we had a theme of 'Moving', an apt theme considering the new location for our meetings. Alex Wu was the Toastmaster for the evening and handled the new space well. 

We had an almost full agenda this week! Just missing the General Evaluator... who wants to take this on for next time?  Thanks to Alex L, Lauren, Monika, Anagha, and Sheila, for taking on functionary roles. Members please do sign up as early as possible to take on roles ahead of the meeting!


Prepared Speeches

Helen gave an extended keynote style speech for her Pathways Level 5 project. She shared her passion for fashion, but not at the cost of the environment and garment factory workers. Helen's speech covered details of the fashion crisis, how fast fashion is impacting our world, and what we can all do to help. She has shared more resources at the end of this newsletter.  (Best Prepared Speech)

Adam shared his Ice Breaker speech ''Building Momentum', which told of his journey of stress and anxiety in public speaking. He's tried everything, including imaging people in their underwear, and has now bitten the bullet in signing up to Toastmasters to help fight the fear once and for all! (Ice Breaker) 

Gene also gave us his Ice Breaker speech '3 CD-s' , giving us an insight into who he is through three carefully selected CDs. Gene painted delightful pictures of his life experiences with these three very different music genres (in case you're interested: Ska punk band Reel Big Fish, the Castle in the Sky soundtrack and Costa Rican singer Humberto Vargas).  (Ice Breaker) 

Table Topics

Sheila was our TTM for this week's meeting. She'd had the help of her friend's 9 year old son, who had some big questions for us all!  We had another tie this week two Lauren and a first time guest Lorris, for best Table Topic ! 

Some highlights: 

Lauren shared that she would build a commune style house with her friends and bake scones for breakfast. (Joint Best Table Topic  Joint Winner)Lorris revealed that she is a KitKat aficiando and that she likes the wacky Japanese flavors. (Joint Best Table Topic  Joint Winner)Tyler shared that hewould like to be both the smartest and most liked in a room. He is getting into stand-up comedy, so send some laughs his way! Monika gave us an insight into her journey with finding the meaning of love!


We had 3 great evaluations for 3 great speeches. This week we had evaluations from:

Scott who evaluated Helen's speech and confirmed that it is almost key-note ready! He like that the beginning was grounded in her experience and made the story telling more impactful. Scott's recommendations for Helen were to add in some comic relief, bring in more inspired action and ground solutions in her own experience as well. Scott also suggested he was the least fashionable in the club!

Mike Z who evaluated Adam's Ice Breaker and commended him on his first speech in this new space. He said that although Adam started a little stuff he broke the tension with humor and then relaxed into the speech. Adam had good posture, didn't fidget and built momentum towards the end of the speech (a perfect reflection of the speech title!). His suggestions for the next speech were to ditch the laptop and have bullet points notes.

Prat who told Gene that he had excellent content and enjoyed the way he launched straight into his material. Prat suggested that Gene pass around the CDs so we had more of a visual element. For next time he challenged him to project his voice to the back of the room and add variation to pace and volume. (Best evaluation)



If you'd like to learn more about the impact of Fast Fashion here are some resources that Helen shared during her speech. Feel free to talk more about it with her at any time!! 


The Cost of Fast Fashion

12 Films about the Fast Fashion Industry

Fast Fashion and Racism

No New Clothes Challenge

A new Fast Fashion Formula

The Cost of Fast Fashion

Book – Worn: A People’s History of Clothing

It was fabulous to have so many guests in the meeting and to see many new faces in our new space!!  Thanks for joining us Jesse, Nathalie, Warfa, JJ, Sammy, Micah, Tyler, Kari, Shelagh, Ping and Lorris. We hope to see you again!

New Members!
We're excited to have more new members join our club. Welcome to our new members Alex L, Gene, Guo, JJ, and welcome back Lisa!. We're looking forward to getting to know you and to hearing your first speeches! 

Next meeting...
... is NEXT WEEK - Wednesday, May 1st. Members please sign up for roles asap on the GGTM site. Why not get your next speech on the roster as well? We have agendas through the end of June open for sign up. 

Ciao for now!

Helen, GGTM Club Secretary and your Officer Crew.