Power, Perseverance with a dose of Patriotism

Your words are a canvas—paint a vision so vibrant, it lives in the hearts of others.

Meet the Mavericks - Nick T.

and Adam

Dear Fellow Toastmaster!

We successfully hosted another engaging meeting, marked by enthusiastic participation and thought-provoking, candid speeches from our Toastmasters.

🙋‍♀️ Sign up for roles on our next meeting on March 19 🙋‍♀️

🙋 Please reflect your meeting RSVP 🙋‍♀️

Update the agenda with your meeting RSVP!

🥳🥇 Awards and Celebrations

Don’t be shy, share your life wins, and let’s celebrate together!

Nik M, our Toastmaster for the evening ran a power packed meeting and let’s congratulate, 🏅🥳 🙌 

  • Max for delivering his Ice Breaker

  • Sikieng for winning the Best Prepared Speech

  • Karishma for getting Best Evaluator

  • Akash (Guest!) for Best Table Topic

  • Nick T. and Adam for winning the Maverick Award

 📣 📆 What’s up

Never want to miss out on GGTM social events, workshops and meetings? Click the button to subscribe to our club’s Google Calendar.

The Division F International and Humorous Speech Contests are only 2 weeks away! Join us Saturday, March 29th at the 19th Avenue Baptist Church and support Helen as she represents GGTM in competing for the division title!

Be sure to register. Click the button below for the registration form.

And RSVP on the Partiful invite by clicking the button below,

 📚️🏫 Toastmastering Together

Let’s get better by learning from each other and sharing resources. Bookmark these for your reference as you go through your GGTM journey!

 ⏰ ⛰️ 🌎️ 🦀 12th March Club Meeting Highlights

Last Wednesday, Nik M effectively set the stage for an engaging two hours on the power that we did not know we had reminding us that we don’t need to be CEOs, politicians or royalty to make an impact. Throughout the evening, stories and circumstances demonstrating this proved that he was right.

We had another HUGE meeting with 30 attendees, 12 of which were guests!

Thank you for always making our GGTM meetings substantial! Great job to our members who helped run the meeting: Adam, Greg, Tavisan, Mia, Caitlin, Carnell and Sheila.

Sikieng winning the Best Prepared Speech

During the meeting we:

  • 🦀 🏖️ Heard Alex’s profound two-minute special urging humans to learn a thing or two from Caribbean hermit crabs who demonstrate the value of waiting for the right-sized shell to come along instead of fighting it out with others.

  • 🌎🏛 Learned about the three huge leaps that Max took to get to his present life navigating different interests, courses, and countries ultimately climaxing with how a two-minute special on the US Constitution got him past a tricky encounter with an immigration officer. (🏆️ Ice Breaker Speech 🏆️)

  • 🍷🍷 Was left hanging with what the most important non-conventional leadership insight was because Mike D. took one sip too much of wine and forgot. Let us know when you remember Mike!

  • ⛰️🚶‍♀️ Felt that we were with Monika and her husband in their pain, fear, triumph, and relief as they went through an extraordinary hiking adventure in Angels Landing.

  • ⏰☀️ Got to know Sikieng’s weird (her words, not mine) husband who is challenged in having to wake up early, and the many different types of “alarm clocks” they tried. The solution - have more babies! (🏆️Best Prepared Speech🏆️)

  • 👏 Karishma tried a truly creative approach for Table Topics - showing two images, one minute apart and speakers having to switch their speech midway!

    • ⛵️🌧️ Akash (guest!) having traveled by his boat on that rainy San Francisco day took home the 🏆️Best Table Topic🏆️ with his hilarious and organic delivery.

    • Thank you to Sheila, Nick T, Anna, Adam, Madison, Hannah, Eric, Jack and Andrea for volunteering to take the challenge of table topics.

  • Learned from Karishma’s (🏆️Best Evaluator🏆️) winning feedback on Sikieng’s speech where she highlighted the strong and engaging delivery and content but recommended emphasizing the purpose of the speech more.

  • 💡 Thanks to Brandon for being the General Evaluator and leaving us with nuggets of wisdom to make evaluations better:

    • Give evaluations in a third-person point of view;

    • Use the word BECAUSE to highlight the WHY behind your feedback.

  • Thank you to our evaluators, Mia (evaluating Max), Adam (evaluating Mike), and Nick T. (evaluating Monika) for your valuable insights on how to make our speeches more effective.

Max delivered his Ice Breaker speech!

Karishma’s evaluation of Sikieng’s speech gets her Best Evaluator

😎💡Member Spotlight

Send your member profile to [email protected] so we can feature you next. Share your adventures that we can highlight as well!

🫵🗣️ Your turn

We would like to hear YOUR stories, information and feedback to make this newsletter, our club and our Toastmastering better. Share it with us!

Need more info? Check out:

Golden Gate Toastmaster Resources (bit.ly/GGTM-resources)
Toastmaster Meeting Roles One-Pager (bit.ly/GGTM-roles)
Onboarding Checklist (bit.ly/GGTM-onboarding)