Faultless Club Meeting and Faultless Speeched

Learn the power of leading with your strengths rather than your weaknesses

Dear Fellow Toastmaster!

For the first meeting of the month, we braved the wind to hear the powerful stories and be reminded to lead with our strengths, not our weaknesses,

๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ Sign up for roles on our next meeting on Feb 12 ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ

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 ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿ’ผ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐ŸŽงFeb5th Club Meeting Highlights

We had a faultless meeting confidently steered by our Toastmaster for the evening - Gene. He challenged us to commit to the bit (the theme of the evening - donโ€™t admit your faults) - to make the mistakes and carry on.

Thank you to the 13 guests who joined us this past Wednesday, many of whom braved the Table Topic stage for the first time, bolstered (WOTD) by the confidence and support of the club.

Thank you to everyone who helped run the meeting as functionaries Lisa, Sheila, Ashwani, Karishma, Helen, and Nik.

During our meeting we:

  • ๐Ÿ’ผPeter leant into the theme and shared some examples of when not to own up to your mistakes in the workplace. As well as how to turn mistakes into strengths in his 2-minute special.

  • ๐ŸŽงSheila shared her Spotify Playlist speech 2.0. Starting with a musical intro, taking us on a journey of her personal and professional highlights of 2024, her speech ended with a heartwarming message about family. 

  • ๐ŸฆMike N shared his moving and vulnerable speech of the โ€˜year of the phoenixโ€™ (๐Ÿ†Best Speech๐Ÿ†). He took us on an emotional journey through his struggles in 2024 and how he used presence, action and faith to escape his โ€˜own personal hellโ€™. 

  • ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธMia told us how she Faced her Demon of public speaking back in 2003 and decided to run. Since then, she has been fighting back and with every step the demon has weakened. She encouraged us to do the same. To stand up, speak up and watch our demons disappear.

  • Katie led Table Topics with half of the questions aligned to the meeting theme and half to the Big Game (sheโ€™s an Eagles fan!๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…).

  • We learned that our guest Brandonโ€™s favorite Super Bowl was the year Janet Jackson performed! But he would like to see John Meyer perform at a halftime show. (๐Ÿ†Best Table Topic๐Ÿ†)

  • Tavisan (๐Ÿ†Best Evaluator๐Ÿ†) commended Sheilaโ€™s speech and appreciated the sequence and flow. He poetically likened songs and music to bookmarks of life reminding us of the good and the bad.

    • Thank you for our other Evaluators this week, Peter (evaluating Mike) and Alex W (evaluating Mia).

Send your member profile to [email protected] so we can feature you next. Share your adventures that we can highlight as well!

๐Ÿซต๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Your turn

We would like to hear YOUR stories, information and feedback to make this newsletter, our club and our Toastmastering better. Share it with us!

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Golden Gate Toastmaster Resources (bit.ly/GGTM-resources)
Toastmaster Meeting Roles One-Pager (bit.ly/GGTM-roles)
Onboarding Checklist (bit.ly/GGTM-onboarding)